13. Realizzazione di NUOVA copertina, con materiali da acquistare, per la rifinitura dei muretti a lato della strada di accesso fino al nuovo cancello, compreso ogni onere. (Si indica a scelta due tipologie, ovvero la copertina in pietra arenaria oppure la copertina in cemento).
Copertina per muri di sostegno lato strada = lm. 43,00
Totale copertina IN PIETRA = mt. 43,00 x €. ____________ = €. __________
Totale copertina IN CEMENTO
Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
13. Implementation of NEW cover, with materials purchase, for the finishing of the walls on the side of the access road to the new gate, including all charges. (Points to choice two types, namely the cover sandstone or concrete cover).
Cover for retaining walls side road = lm. 43,00
Total cover STONE = mt. X € 43,00. ____________ = €. __________
Total cover CONCRETE
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
13. Construction of the new cover, with materials to purchase, for the finishing of the walls to the side of the access road up to the new gate, including any burden. (It indicates at choice two types, i.e. the cover in sandstone or the cover in cement).
Cover for supporting walls road side = lm. 43,00
Total COVER IN STONE = mt. 43,00 x €. ____________ = €.__________
Total cover in cement
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