more comfort
Gli elementi PIETRE D’ARREDO vengono realizzati con leganti speciali, inerti naturali
leggeri, pigmenti coloranti altamente resistenti ai raggi U.V. e additivi che conferiscono
al prodotto un’elevata resistenza agli agenti atmosferici. Tutto ciò garantisce leggerezza,
resistenza, traspirabilità, ingelività e ottima repellenza all’acqua.
Nella posa di PIETRE D’ARREDO, le caratteristiche tecniche vengono esaltate dall’utilizzo
dall’adesivo rasante ARREDOCOLLA, malta a base di calce idraulica pozzolanica che è
caratterizzata da ottima lavorabilità e spiccata tissotropia (resistenza allo scivolamento
verticale). La sua formulazione garantisce perfetta adesione su tutti i normali supporti
cementizi, nel pieno rispetto delle normative del settore, senza tradire le aspettative
riguardanti il comfort abitativo e il rispetto dell’ambiente.
Nella posa di elementi di PIETRE D’ARREDO su rivestimenti termoisolanti – Sistema
PIETRACOMFORT- risulta determinante il ruolo della sigillatura delle fughe sia per
quanto riguarda l’aspetto tecnico che per quello estetico. Particolare cura è stata
rivolta allo studio delle malte da stuccatura ARREDOSTUCCO, da utilizzare sempre
in combinazione con l’inerte ARREDOLIGHT. Le diverse colorazioni, i diversi gradi
di finitura, la versatilità nelle possibili lavorazioni, valorizzano l’aspetto estetico del
rivestimento. Le caratteristiche tecnico meccaniche esaltano le prestazioni termoigrometriche
del sistema rivestimento. ARREDOLIGHT, inerte naturale leggero,
diminuisce il peso specifico dell’impasto aumentando la resa senza gravare di peso le
strutture. Contribuisce in maniera significativa a migliorare la lavorabilità e la facilità
di pulizia. La sua porosità naturale, oltre a ridurre la possibilità di fessurazione in
fase di ritiro igrometrico, contribuisce ad incrementare la traspirabilità e smorza
tensioni meccaniche dovute a sollecitazioni esterne. La stuccatura, realizzata con
ARREDOSTUCCO miscelato con ARREDOLIGHT, ha una massa simile a quella delle
pietre. Questo limita la formazione di ponti termici e incrementa lo sfasamento termico
migliorando il comfort abitativo, specialmente nella stagione calda. Con le due diverse
granulometrie si possono realizzare stuccature con diversi gradi di finitura, in modo da
soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza architettonica.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
HE TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICSmore comfortSTONES of furniture items are made with special binders, natural aggregateslight, colour pigments highly resistant to UV rays and additives which givethe product a high resistance to atmospheric agents. This will guarantee lightness,durability, breathability, frost resistance and excellent water repellency.Laying of stones, Furnishing the technical characteristics are enhanced by the useARREDOCOLLA, plaster adhesive mortar made of hydrated lime which ischaracterized by excellent processability and outstanding thixotropy (slip resistancevertical). Its formulation ensures perfect adhesion on all normal mediain cement, in full compliance with industry regulations, without betraying the expectationsabout comfort and respect for the environment.In the laying of stones of elements on thermal insulation coatings – systemPIETRACOMFORT-is the determinant role of Grouting for bothwith regard to the technical and aesthetic. Particular care has beendevoted to the study of ARREDOSTUCCO Grouting mortars, always usein combination with the ARREDOLIGHT inert. The different colours, different levelsthe finishing versatility in processing options, enhance the appearance of thecoating. Mechanical technical features enhance the thermohygrometric performancecoating system. ARREDOLIGHT, natural aggregate, lightweightdecreases the weight of the body by increasing the yield without burdening the weightstructures. Contributes significantly to improve the workability and easecleaning. Its natural porosity, as well as reduce the chance of cracking inhygrometric shrinkage phase, contributes to increase breathability and dampensmechanical stresses caused by external forces. Filling, made withARREDOSTUCCO mixed with ARREDOLIGHT, has a mass similar to that ofstones. This limits the formation of heat bridges and increases thermal lagimproving the living comfort, especially in hot weather. With the two differentgranulometries fillings can be made with varying degrees of finish, someet any architectural need.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
Features Picture TECHNICAL
blackberries comfort
elements STONES DECORATIVE are made with special binders, inert natural
light, color pigments highly resistant to UV rays and additives that give
the product a high weather resistance. All that guarantees lightness,
strength, breathability, frost resistance and excellent water repellency.
When laying STONES OF FURNITURE, technical characteristics are enhanced by using
the adhesive smoothing ARREDOCOLLA, mortar made of hydraulic lime pozzolan which is
characterized by excellent workability and strong thixotropic (slip resistance
vertical). Its formulation ensures perfect adhesion to all substrates
cement, in full compliance with industry regulations, without betraying the expectations
regarding the living comfort and the environment.
In the laying of elements STONES DECORATIVE coatings insulating - System
PIETRACOMFORT- is decisive the role of sealing the joints both
as regards the technical aspect that for the aesthetic. Particular attention was
paid to the study of mortar grouting ARREDOSTUCCO, always use
in combination with the inert ARREDOLIGHT. The different colors, the different degrees
of finish, the versatility in the possible machining operations, enhance the aesthetic appearance of the
coating. The technical mechanical thermohygrometric enhance the performance
of the coating system. ARREDOLIGHT, inert natural light,
decrease the density of the mix by increasing the yield without increasing the weight of the
structures. It contributes significantly to improve the workability and the ease
of cleaning. Its natural porosity, in addition to reducing the possibility of cracking in the
step of drying shrinkage, helps to increase the breathability and dampens
mechanical tensions due to external stresses. The grouting, realized with
ARREDOSTUCCO mixed with ARREDOLIGHT, it has a mass similar to that of the
stones. This limits the formation of thermal bridges and improves the thermal lag
by improving the living comfort, especially in hot weather. With the two different
particle sizes can be made with varying degrees of stucco finish, to
satisfy any architectural.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
more comfort
elements STONES OF FURNITURE are made with special binders, natural aggregate
light, coloring pigments highly resistant to UV radiation, and additives which confer
to product a high resistance to atmospheric agents. All this guarantees lightness,
resistance and breathability, frost resistance and excellent repellency water.
In the laying of STONES FOR THE FURNITURE, the technical characteristics are enhanced by the use
from the adhesive plaster ARREDOCOLLA, malta based hydraulic lime mortar that pozzolanic and
characterized by excellent workability and a pronounced thixotropy (slip resistance
vertical). Its formulation ensures perfect adhesion on all the normal media
cementitious,In full compliance with the regulations of the field, without betraying the expectations
concerning living comfort and respect for the environment.
In the laying of elements of STONES OF FURNITURE on insulating coatings - System
PIETRACOMFORT- is the role of the sealing of the joints for both
as regards the technical aspect that for aesthetic one. Particular care has been
Directed to the study of the mortars from plastering ARREDOSTUCCO, always use
in combination with the inert ARREDOLIGHT. The different colors, the different degrees
finishing, versatility in possible operations, enhance the aesthetic appearance of the
trim. Features technical / mechanical enhance performance hygrometric
of the coating system. ARREDOLIGHT,Inert natural light,
decreases the specific weight of the dough by increasing the yield without burdening of weight the
structures. Contributes significantly to improve the workability and ease
cleaning. Its natural porosity, in addition to reducing the possibility of cracking in
phase of withdrawal, humidity contributes to an increase in the breathability and dampens
Mechanical stresses due to external stresses. The plastering, made with
ARREDOSTUCCO mixed with ARREDOLIGHT, has a mass similar to that of
stones. This limits the formation of thermal bridges and increases the thermal phase shift
improving living comfort, especially in the hot season. With the two different
Particle sizes can provide surfacings with various degrees of finish, so as to
meet any architectural need.
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