Spett.Le Riccardo e Gabriel,  ho ricevuto mandato da ES’GIVIEN, in per traduzione - Spett.Le Riccardo e Gabriel,  ho ricevuto mandato da ES’GIVIEN, in per Inglese come dire

Spett.Le Riccardo e Gabriel, ho ri

Spett.Le Riccardo e Gabriel,

ho ricevuto mandato da ES’GIVIEN, in persona del suo legale rappresentante, per significarle quanto segue.
La mia cliente ha lavorato duramente e con dedizione per creare ottimi rapporti con i suoi clienti e partner al fine di creare un'immagine di qualità e di alta professionalità.
La Vostra unilaterale iniziativa di instaurare rapporti diretti con buyer , contravvenendo ad ogni accordo preso,  ha certamente creato danni all'immagine ed alla professionalità della mia assistita in termini di danno da reputazione commerciale passibili senz'ombra di dubbio di idoneo risarcimento danni. Vi invito e diffido pertanto da qualsiasi iniziativa di contatto diretto con i clienti ES'GIVIEN, salvo agire nelle opportune sedi.
Si precisa inoltre, così come da contratto, che ogni capo, colore e dettaglio della collezione prodotta da Lumen per ES'GIVIEN Korea non può essere prodotto se non vi è un preventivo benestare della titolare.
Fatti noti evidenziano , invece, che a breve inizieranno le vendite in territorio Koreano di capi visti velocemente in forma di prototipo durante un'intervista milanese. Risulta evidente dunque come l'iter contrattuale pattuito non sia stato rispettato con evidenti, gravi ed irreparabili danni per la mia assistita. Si chiede pertanto l'immediata visione dei suddetti capi da parte dell'Ufficio Stile salva la risoluzione immediata del contratto in oggetto per violazione del principio fondante.
Preme sottolineare come anche  gli articoli contrattuali sulle procedure pubblicitarie non sia stati rispettati come attesta agevolmente la pubblicità pubblicata su Cosmopolitan  certamente ed evidentemente non conforme a quella approvata dalla mia cliente con palese lesione del diritto all'immagine del brand senza considerare il diritto al risarcimento in termini di spese vive per le risorse e il tempo impiegato per progettare e curare suddetta pubblicità secondo i canoni ES'GIVIEN che ci riserviamo di vantare.
In ultimo si ricorda come le provvigioni minime garantite per il primo anno pari ad euro 50.000 scadenzate per la fine di giugno non siano ad oggi ancora saldate.Con la presente , che costituisce formale messa in mora ad ogni effetto di legge, Vi invito e diffido, pertanto a provvedere entro e non oltre 10 giorni dal ricevimento di questa missiva al pagamento a favore della mia assistita della somma indicata avvertendovi sin d'ora che la mancanza di adempimento spontaneo comporterà la risoluzione del contratto in oggetto  e l'azione nelle competenti sedi giudiziarie al fine di ottenere il giusto diritto della mia cliente.
Fiducioso di un riscontro positivo anticipo che si renderà necessario quanto prima modificare alcune parti contrattuali sia per ciò che riguarda l'assistenza alla promozione del brand in termini di risorse umane messe a disposizione.
Avv. Leonardo Marconi
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A: -
Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
Dear Richard and Gabriel, I received email from es'givien, in the person of its legal representative, to mean the following. My client has worked hard and with dedication to create great relationships with its clients and partners in order to create an image of quality and professionalism. Your unilateral initiative to establish direct relationships with buyers, in violation of every agreement, it certainly has created damage to the image and professionalism of my client in terms of damage to business reputation undoubtedly subject to suitable compensation. I invite you and therefore I am wary of any initiative of direct contact with customers es'givien, except Act in appropriate locations. It should be noted, as well as in contract, that each garment, color and detail of the collection produced by Lumen to es'givien Korea cannot be produced if there is a prior consent of the owner. Known facts indicate, however, that soon will begin sales in Korean territory heads seen in prototype form rapidly during an interview. It is clear therefore how the agreed contract process has not been respected, with clear, serious and irreparable damage to my assistant. It therefore calls for the immediate vision of such apparel by the Office Save Style the immediate termination of the contract for violation of the founding principle. Stress as well as contractual procedures articles has not been respected advertising as evidenced by the advertising published in Cosmopolitan and certainly not clearly consistent with that approved by my customer with blatant infringement of the right to brand image without considering the right to compensation in terms of expenses and the time it takes to design and treat such advertising according to es'givien that we reserve the right to boast. Finally, it is recalled that the guaranteed minimum commissions for the first year of euro 50,000 staggered to the end of June are still not settled. Hereby, which constitutes formal notice for all legal purposes, I invite you and distrust, so to provide no later than 10 days after receipt of this letter to my payment amount sensing in assisted right now that the lack of voluntary compliance will result in the termination of the contract in question and the action in the competent courts in order to obtain the right of my client. Confident of a positive advance that it will be necessary to change some as soon as both parties with regard to the assistance to the promotion of the brand in terms of human resources made available. Cordially AVV. Mace
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
Dear Richard and Gabriel, I have been mandated by ES'GIVIEN, in the person of its legal representative, to significarle the following. My client has worked hard and with dedication to create good relationships with its customers and partners in order to create an image of quality and professionalism. My unilateral initiative to establish direct relationships with buyers, in contravention of any agreement made, certainly has created damage to the image and professionalism of my client in terms of damage to business reputation liable senz ' doubt of appropriate compensation. I invite distrust and therefore any initiative to direct contact with customers ES'GIVIEN except act in the appropriate venues. It is also specified, as well as by contract, that each garment, color and detail of the collection produced by Lumen for ES'GIVIEN Korea can not be produced if there is a prior approval of the owner. known facts show, however, that soon will begin sales in the territory of Korean leaders quickly seen in prototype form during an interview in Milan. It is evident, therefore, as the process of contract agreed is not complied with clear, serious and irreparable damage to my client. It therefore calls for the immediate vision of such birds by the Office Style prejudice to the immediate termination of the contract in question for violation of the basic principle. It should be emphasized as well as the articles contractual procedures advertising has not been met as evidenced smoothly advertising published Cosmopolitan certainly and obviously not in conformity with that approved by my client with blatant violation of the right to the image of the brand without considering the right to compensation in terms of pocket expenses for the resources and the time taken to design and treat such advertising on the lines ES'GIVIEN that we may boast. Finally it is recalled that the minimum guaranteed commission for the first year amounted to EUR 50,000 scadenzate for the end of June are not as yet saldate.Con the present, which constitutes formal formal notice to all legal, I invite you and warn you, therefore to provide no later than 10 days from receipt of this letter to the payment in favor of my client the sum indicated warning you right now that the lack of spontaneous fulfillment will result in the termination of the contract in question and the action before competent courts in order to obtain the just right of my client. Confident of a positive advance that will be necessary as soon as possible to modify some contractual parties as regards the assistance to the promotion of the brand in human resources made ​​available. Sincerely lawyer. Leonardo Marconi

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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
Dear Riccardo and Gabriel,

i have received a mandate from ES the GIVIEN, in the person of its legal representative, for significarle as follows.
My customer has worked hard and with dedication to create great relationships with its customers and partners in order to create an image of quality and professionalism.
Your unilateral initiative of direct relationships with buyers ,In contravention of any agreement taken,  has certainly created damage the image and professionalism of my assisted in terms of damage from commercial reputation liable beyond the shadow of a doubt of suitable damages. I invite you and therefore I am wary of any initiative that come in direct contact with customers ES the GIVIEN, except act in the appropriate fora.
It should also be noted.As well as contract, which each chapter, color and detail of the collection produced by Lumen for ES the GIVIEN Korea cannot be produced if there is a quote approval of the holder.
Well known facts show , instead, which will soon begin sales in the territory of Korean heads seen quickly in the form of prototype during an interview milanese.It is evident therefore as the iter agreed contractual has not been met with obvious, serious and irreparable damage to my assisted. It therefore calls for the immediate vision of these animals to be part of the Style Office save the immediate termination of the contract for breach of the founding principle.
Would like to emphasize as well  articles contractual procedures on advertising is not been respected as attested by easily advertising published on Cosmopolitan  certainly and obviously does not conform with the approved by customer of mine with obvious lesion of the right to the image of the brand without considering the right to compensation in terms of living expenses for the resourcesThe time spent on designing and cure said advertising according to the canons ES the GIVIEN that we reserve the right to boast.
In last remember how commissions minimum guaranteed for the first year equal to euro 50,000 scadenzate for the end of June are not still saldate.con the present , that constitute a formal notice to each effect of the law, I invite you and disbelieve,To ensure no later than 10 days from the receipt of this letter to the payment in favor of my assisted the sum indicated warning you now that the lack of compliance will spontaneous resolution of the contract in question  and action in the relevant courts in order to obtain the right of my score.
Confident of a positive reply advance that will be required as soon as possible change some contractual parties both for what regards the assistance in the promotion of the brand in terms of human resources available.
Avv. Leonardo Marconi
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