l'associazione biennale d'arte fabbrile e' una associazione senza fini di lucro.
E' composta da circa 40 soci e che conta oltre 200 persone che lavorano gratuitamente durante i quattro giorni della manifestazione per l'organizzazione della mostra, del campionato di forgiatura, e di tutte le nostre collaterali e degli spettacoli che fanno da cornice all'aspetto principale, cioe' il ferro battuto.
La mostra e' stata fin dalla sua nascita nel lontano 1976, la dimostrazione della sensibilita' e della naturale predisposizione che la gente Casentinese ha nei confronti dell'artigianato artistico.
La Biennale di Stia ha il merito di aver continuamente stimolato nel grande pubblico un interesse nuovo verso il manufatto artistico di ferro, e di aver contribuito negli anni, agli incontri tra fabbri per stimolare il loro spirito creativo, apprezzare il lavoro fatto a piu' mani in spirito di collaborazione, affinare le tecniche.
La collaborazione tra "addetti ai lavori" porta anche ad innovazione legando l'antico mestiere del fabbro al moderno design.
E nello spirito di innovazione si sta muovendo l'Amministrazione del Comune di PS, che sta realizzando sia il Museo del Ferro Battuto, sia la sede definitiva della Scuola di Forgiatura.
Infatti da oltre 5 anni l'ABAF gestisce una scuola di forgiatura del ferro che fornisce corsi di formazione per tutti i livelli per aspirante fabbri, con insegnanti ad alto livello di professionalita'.
Lo scopo della scuola e' quella di fornire conoscenze tecniche teoriche e pratiche.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
the Association biennale of the blacksmith is a non-profit association. It is made up of about 40 members and more than 200 people working for free during the four days of the event for the Organization of the exhibition of craft, and all of our collateral and shows that frame the main aspect, I mean the wrought iron.The exhibition has been since its inception way back in 1976, demonstrating sensitivity and natural predisposition that people Casentinese has against crafts.The Venice Biennale Is has the merit of having continually stimulated in the general public interest again towards the artistic artifact of iron, and have contributed over the years, meetings between f to stimulate their creative spirit, appreciate the work done in more hands in a spirit of collaboration, hone techniques.The collaboration between "insiders" also leads to innovation by tying the ancient craft of the blacksmith to the modern design.And in the spirit of innovation is moving the administration of the municipality of PS, which is building is the Museum of wrought iron, is the permanent location of the school of Craft.In fact, for over 5 years the forging iron ABAF runs a school that provides training courses for all levels for would-be blacksmiths, with teachers with a high level of professionalism.The aim of the school is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
the biennial association of blacksmith art and 'a non-profit association.
It' consists of about 40 members and has over 200 people working for free during the four days of the event for the organization of the exhibition, the forging championship , and all of our side and shows that frame the main aspect, namely 'wrought iron. the exhibition' been since its inception in 1976, demonstrating the sensitivity 'and the natural predisposition that people Casentino has towards artistic. the Be Biennale has the merit of having constantly stimulated in the general public a new interest in the iron artistic artifact, and to have contributed over the years, meetings between blacksmiths to stimulate their creative spirit , appreciate the job done more 'hands in a spirit of collaboration, refine the techniques. the collaboration between "insiders" also leads to innovation by linking the ancient craft of the blacksmith to modern design. And the spirit of innovation is moving the 'Administration of the City of PS, which is building is the Museum of wrought iron, is the final home of the forging school. for more than 5 years the ABAF runs a school of forging iron that provides training courses for all levels for aspiring blacksmiths, with high-level professionalism of teachers '. the purpose of the school and' to provide theoretical knowledge and practical techniques.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
lira, former coin and monetary unit of Italy; coin and monetary unit of Turkey
L, Luxembourg, country in northwestern Europe
l, 12th letter of the Italian alphabet%5E%5ELa%20shows%20e%27%20been%20fin%20from%20its%20birth%20in%20away%201976,%20The%20demonstration%20of%20sensitivity%27%20e%20of%20Natural%20predisposition%20that%20The%20people%20Casentinese%20has%20in%20against%20of%27handicrafts%20artistic.%5E%5ELa%20Biennale%20of%20Stia%20has%20The%20merit%20of%20having%20continuously%20stimulated%20in%20great%20public%20a%20interest%20new%20toward%20The%20artifact%20artistic%20of%20Iron,%20e%20of%20having%20contributed%20in%20years,%20to%20meetings%20between%20Fabbri%20for%20stimulate%20The%20their%20spirit%20creative,%20appreciate%20The%20job%20fact%20a%20more%27%20hands%20in%20spirit%20of%20collaboration,%20refine%20The%20techniques.%5E%5ELa%20collaboration%20between%20%22employees%20to%20jobs%22%20port%20also%20to%20innovation%20ligating%20l%27ancient%20craft%20of%20blacksmith%20al%20modern%20design.%5E%5EE%20in%20spirit%20of%20innovation%20you%20is%20Moving%20l%27Administration%20of%20municipality%20of%20PS,
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