Come ultimo step infine si consta l’ovvio confinamento dell’anidride c traduzione - Come ultimo step infine si consta l’ovvio confinamento dell’anidride c Inglese come dire

Come ultimo step infine si consta l

Come ultimo step infine si consta l’ovvio confinamento dell’anidride carbonica, onde evitare la sua dispersione nell’atmosfera, diminuendo di conseguenza l’effetto serra.

A sommi capi si può dire che lo steam reforming è il processo più economico allo stato di avanzamento attuale della tecnologia. Inoltre esso può contare su un rendimento abbastanza elevato, pari al 70% che può arrivare negli impianti più moderni fino all’ 85%, ove sono presenti impianti che permettono il recupero dell’energia dei gas di scarto.
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
as the last step consists finally the obvious containment of carbon dioxide, in order to prevent its release into the atmosphere, thus reducing the greenhouse effect.

to briefly it can be said that the steam reforming is the most economic process to the current progress of technology. also it can count on a return high enough,equal to 70% that can arrive in the most modern plants up to '85%, where there are systems that allow the recovery of the energy of the waste gas.
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
As a last step finally has the obvious carbon dioxide, confinement to avoid its dispersion into the atmosphere, reducing therefore the greenhouse.

to briefly we can say that the steam reforming is the most economical process for the current status of technology. In addition it can count on a reasonably high yield, equal to 70% that can get in the most modern plants up to 85%, where there are facilities that allow energy recovery of waste gases.
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
As a last step finally it consists the obvious confinement of the carbon dioxide, in order to avoid its dispersion in the atmosphere, thereby decreasing the greenhouse effect.

A chief heads we can say that the steam reforming is a process more economic to current state of the art technology. It can also count on a yield high enough,Equal to 70% that can arrive in the more modern plants up to 85 %, where there are plants that allow the recovery of the energy of the waste gas.
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