È ricordata dalla seconda metà dell’XI secolo, ma l’attuale chiesa fu  traduzione - È ricordata dalla seconda metà dell’XI secolo, ma l’attuale chiesa fu  Inglese come dire

È ricordata dalla seconda metà dell

È ricordata dalla seconda metà dell’XI secolo, ma l’attuale chiesa fu costruita nel XII secolo e rimaneggiata più volte a causa dei terremoti. All’interno, i motivi decorativi dei capitelli sono molteplici, dagli elementi geometrici e vegetali stilizzati alle raffigurazioni umane e zoomorfe, sempre attuati con grande intensità espressiva.
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
She is remembered by the second half of the 11th century, but the present church was built in the 12th century and rebuilt several times due to earthquakes. Inside, the decorative motifs of the capitals are varied, from stylized vegetal and geometric elements at human and Zoomorphic depictions, always implemented with great expressive intensity.
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
It is remembered by the second half of the eleventh century, but the current church was built in the twelfth century and rebuilt several times because of the earthquakes. Inside, the decorative motifs of capitals are varied, from geometric and stylized vegetal elements to the human figures and zoomorphic, always carried out with great intensity of expression.
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
IT IS remembered in the second half of the XI century, but the present church was built in the XII century and remodelled several times because of the earthquakes. Inside, the decorative motifs of the capitals are many, from geometric elements and stylized plant motifs to human and zoomorphic, always implemented with great expressive intensity.
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