Il percorso della realizzazione del Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina è stato, è, e probabilmente sarà sempre, estremamente arduo e problematico: all'inizio per la fattibilità tecnica e ambientale, come dimostrano i vari e attenti studi preliminari all'approvazione definitiva del Progetto; successivamente per i tentativi di infiltrazioni mafiose, come dimostra il tentativo del governo Prodi nel 2007 di annullare il contratto di appalto dei lavori, andando incontro al pagamento di una penale di 500 milioni di euro alle società appaltanti, rischio aggirato dall'allora ministro dei Trasporti e delle Infrastrutture Antonio Di Pietro; oggi per la crisi economica, che fa ritenere che il Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina non rientri tra gli interventi infrastrutturali prioritari.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
The path to the completion of the bridge over the Straits of Messina was, is, and probably always will be, extremely difficult and problematic: at the beginning for the technical feasibility and environmental impact, as demonstrated by the various and careful studies before final approval of the project; later attempts of infiltration, as evidenced by the attempt of the Prodi government in 2007 to cancel the contract of work, reaching out to pay a penalty of 500 million contracting companies, risk bypassed by the then transport and infrastructure Minister Antonio Di Pietro; today because of the economic crisis, which suggests that the bridge over the Straits of Messina does not fall among the priority infrastructure projects.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
The path of the construction of the bridge over the Straits of Messina has been, is, and probably always will be, extremely difficult and problematic: the beginning to the technical and environmental feasibility, as demonstrated by the various and careful preliminary studies to final approval of the project; later to attempts to mafia infiltration, as evidenced by the attempt of the Prodi government in 2007 to cancel the contract of the work contract, going to meet the payment of a penalty of 500 million euro to the contracting companies, risk bypassed by the then Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Antonio Di Pietro; today for the economic crisis, it is suggesting that the bridge over the Straits of Messina is not among the priority infrastructure actions.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
The%20path%20of%20embodiment%20of%20Bridge%20on the%20Close%20of%20Messina%20%C3%A8%20state,%20%C3%A8%20e%20probably%20sar%C3%A0%20always,%20extremely%20arduous%20e%20problematic:%20AT%27beginning%20for%20The%20feasibility%C3%A0%20technique%20e%20environmental,%20as%20demonstrate%20i%20various%20e%20attentive%20studies%20Preliminary%20AT%27approval%20definitive%20of%20Project;%20subsequently%20for%20i%20attempts%20of%20infiltrations%20mafia,%20as%20demonstrates%20The%20attempt%20of%20government%20Prodi%20in%202007%20of%20cancel%20The%20contract%20of%20contract%20of%20jobs,%20going%20meeting%20al%20payment%20of%20a%20penalty%20of%20500%20million%20of%20euro%20to%20society%C3%A0%20contractors,%20risk%20circumvented%20from%27then%20Minister%20of%20Transport%20e%20of%20Infrastructure%20Antonio%20Of%20Peter;%20today%20for%20The%20crisis%20economic,%20that%20fa%20Believe%20that%20The%20Bridge%20on the%20Close%20of%20Messina%20not%20falls%20between%20The%20interventions%20infrastructural%20priority.%20%5E
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