A differenza dei tradizionali generatori elettrici, azionati da macchine a combustione termica, il principio che sta alla base del funzionamento delle fuel cell è quello della generazione diretta di elettricità tramite una reazione elettrochimica. Tale reazione si basa su una “scissione” delle molecole del combustibile, in questo caso l’idrogeno, in ioni positivi ed elettroni. Il rendimento di tale processo è influenzato da diversi parametri quali la temperatura, le caratteristiche chimiche dell’elettrolita e degli elettrodi. Una volta che viene introdotto l’idrogeno all’interno della cella, di preciso nell’anodo, comincia il processo di ossidazione per cui la molecola di idrogeno (H2) viene scomposta nei due ioni H+ e nell’equivalente numero di elettroni, secondo la reazione:
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
Unlike conventional electric generators, driven by thermal combustion machines, the principle that underlies the operation of the fuel cell is that of direct generation of electricity through an electrochemical reaction. this reaction is based on a "split" of the molecules of the fuel, in this case hydrogen, in positive ions and electrons.the yield of this process is influenced by several parameters such as the temperature, the chemical characteristics of the electrolyte and the electrodes. once it is introduced the hydrogen inside the cell, exactly nell'anodo, begins the oxidation process for which the hydrogen molecule (H2) is decomposed in two ions h and in the equivalent number of electrons,according to the reaction:
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
Unlike conventional electric generators, driven by thermal combustion machines, the principle which underlies the operation of fuel cell is that of direct generation of electricity through an electrochemical reaction. This reaction is based on a "demerger" of fuel molecules, in this case, hydrogen positive ions and electrons. The efficiency of this process is influenced by various parameters such as the temperature, the chemical characteristics of electrolyte and electrodes. Once it is introduced the hydrogen within the cell, exactly in the anode, oxidation process begins whereby the hydrogen molecule (H2) is decomposed into two ions H and the equivalent number of electrons, According to the reaction:
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
Unlike the traditional electric generators, driven by machines to thermal combustion, the principle underlying the operation of the fuel cell is the direct generation of electricity through an electrochemical reaction. This reaction is based on a 'split' fuel molecules, in this case the hydrogen, in positive ions and electrons.The efficiency of this process is influenced by various parameters such as temperature, the chemical characteristics of the electrolyte and the electrodes. Once that is introduced the hydrogen inside the cell, precise in the anode, starts the oxidation process for which the hydrogen molecule (H2) is broken down into two ions H and in the equivalent number of electrons,According to the reaction:
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