Dichiarazione di rispondenza e garanzia di scostamento massimo dei risultati conseguiti inferiore al +1- 5% rispetto ai valori della metodologia di calcolo di riferimento nazionale (UNI/TS 11300) fornita dal produttore
Declaration of compliance and assurance of maximum deviation of results achieved less than 1-5% + compared with the calculation methodology of national reference (UNI/TS 11300) provided by the manufacturer
Statement of compliance and assurance of maximum deviation of the results achieved less than + 1- 5% compared to the calculation methodology of the national reference (UNI / TS 11300) provided by the manufacturer
Declaration of Compliance and guarantee maximum deviation of the results achieved less than the 1- 5% compared to the values of the methodology for calculating national reference (UNI/TS 11300) supplied by the manufacturer