il conduttore è costituito custode della cosa locata ed esonera espressamente il locatore da ogni responsabilità per omissione o colpa del portiere di inquilini o di terzi e segnatamente per i furti con o senza scasso.
the conductor consists locata thing custodian and expressly exonerates the lessor from all responsibility for omission or fault of the goalkeeper's tenants or third parties and in particular for theft or burglary.
the conductor is made guardian of the rented property and expressly releases the landlord from any liability for failure or fault of the goalkeeper of tenants or third parties and in particular for theft with or without break.
The conductor is made guardian of what leased and expressly relieves the lessor from any liability for omission or negligence of the porter of tenants or to third parties and in particular for thefts with or without indentation.