salve, le invio ancora il mio CV in formato word e pdf. se vuole può a traduzione - salve, le invio ancora il mio CV in formato word e pdf. se vuole può a Inglese come dire

salve, le invio ancora il mio CV in

salve, le invio ancora il mio CV in formato word e pdf. se vuole può andare sul mio sito , dove troverà tutte le informazioni ed alcuni piatti. io sono uno chef stellato michelin, ed ho lavorato intorno al mondo con la mia professione che amo. per questo il mio CV è molto grande! comunque, se vuole dirmi di quale livello sia il "ristorante od hotel" , e più dettagliatamente quale dovrebbe essere il mio lavoro lo gradirei molto, nel ringraziarla in anticipo per le sue risposte , mi scuso per il ritardo della mia email , ma in questi giorni ho moltissimo lavoro da fare e coordinare tutta la cucina con i clienti che vogliono sempre parlare con lo chef non è è la ia professione, saluti
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
Hi, I send my CV in word format and pdf. If you want, you can go to my site, where you will find all the information and some dishes. I am a michelin-starred chef and have worked around the world with my profession I love. that is why my CV is very big! However, if you want to tell me what level is the "restaurant or hotel," and more in detail what should be my job I would appreciate very much, thank you in advance for your replies, I apologize for the delay of my email, but these days I have a lot of work to do and co-ordinate the whole kitchen with clients who always want to talk to the chef is not is my profession , greetings
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]

hi, I send still my CV in word and pdf. if you want you can go to my site, where you will find all the information and some dishes. I'm a Michelin-starred chef, and worked around the world with my profession that I love. why my CV is very big! However, if you want to tell me what level is the "restaurant or hotel," and in more detail what should be my work I would like very much, thank you in advance for your replies, I apologize for the delay of my email, but in these days I have a lot of work to do and coordinate the entire kitchen with customers who always want to talk to the chef is not easy ... but it is the profession ia, greetings
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]

hello, still sending my CV in word and pdf format. If you wish you can go on my website , where you will find all the information and some dishes. i am a starry chef Michelin, and I worked around the world with my profession i love. For this my CV is very big! However, if you want to tell me what level is the "restaurant or hotel" ,And in more detail what should be the my job this I would appreciate very much, in thanking you in advance for your replies , I apologize for the delay of my email , but in these days I have a lot of work to do and coordinate all the kitchen with customers who always want to speak with the chef is not easy...but is the ia profession, greetings
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