Le convenzioni di Ginevra hanno aggiunto gli appartenenti ai movimenti traduzione - Le convenzioni di Ginevra hanno aggiunto gli appartenenti ai movimenti Inglese come dire

Le convenzioni di Ginevra hanno agg

Le convenzioni di Ginevra hanno aggiunto gli appartenenti ai movimenti di resistenza a condizione che soddisfino le quattro condizioni previste dal regolamento dell'Aja del 1907. Il I Protocollo del 1977, dal canto suo, ha aggiunto gli appartenenti ai movimenti di liberazione nazionale che combattono per l'autodeterminazione dei popoli a condizione che si distinguano dalla popolazione civile almeno durante lo svolgimento delle operazioni militari. Non sono, invece, combattenti legittimi i mercenari, ovvero coloro che non possiedono la nazionalità di una parte al conflitto e ricevono una remunerazione più elevata rispetto agli altri combattenti e le spie. Tutti gli altri sono civili. Per quanto riguarda le cose, sono obiettivi militari i beni che, per loro natura, collocazione, destinazione o utilizzo sono in grado di recare un contributo effettivo all'azione militare e la cui distruzione totale o parziale, cattura o neutralizzazione è in grado di portare un vantaggio militare preciso. Tutti gli altri beni sono civili. Come si vede, si tratta di una definizione mutevole che dipende dalle circostanze. Il miglior modo per proteggere i beni civili è quello di non utilizzarli a fini militari.
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
The Geneva Conventions have added members of resistance movements, provided that they fulfil the four conditions laid down in the Hague Regulations of 1907. The first Protocol of 1977, on the other hand, he added, those belonging to the national liberation movements fighting for the self-determination of peoples, provided that you distinguish from the civilian population, at least during the conduct of military operations. On the other hand, are not lawful combatants, mercenaries or those who do not possess the nationality of a party to the conflict and receive higher remuneration than the other combatants and spies. All others are civilians. As regards things, are military targets goods which, by their nature, location, purpose or use are able to bear an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization is able to bring a definite military advantage. All other assets are civilians. As you can see, this is a changing definition that depends on the circumstances. The best way to protect the civilian heritage is to not use them for military purposes.
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]

The Geneva Conventions have added the members of resistance movements provided they meet the four conditions laid down in Regulation 1907. The Hague Protocol of 1977, for his part, said members of the national liberation movements fighting for self-determination of peoples, provided that they are distinguished from the civilian population at least during the course of military operations. They are not, however, legitimate fighters mercenaries, or those who are not nationals of a party to the conflict and receive higher remuneration than other fighters and spies. All others are civilians. As for things, are military targets goods which, by their nature, location, purpose or use are able to make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization is able to bring a definite military advantage. All other assets are civilians. As you see, it is a changing definition that depends on the circumstances. The best way to protect the civilian is to not use them for military purposes.
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]

The Geneva Conventions have added the belonging to the resistance movements on the condition that they fulfill the four conditions of the regulation of the Hague Conventions of 1907. The Protocol of 1977, for its part,He added the members of the national liberation movements that are fighting for self-determination of peoples under the condition that are distinguished by the civilian population at least during the course of military operations. They are not, on the other hand, legitimate combatants mercenaries,That is, those who do not possess the nationality of a part of the conflict and receive a higher remuneration with respect to the other combatants and the lights. All other are civilians. As regards things, are military targets the goods that, by their nature, location,Destination or use are able to bring an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization and capable of carrying a military advantage precise. All other goods are civilians. As can be seen, it is a definition that changing depends on the circumstances.The best way to protect civilian property is to not use them for military purposes.
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Altre lingue
La definizione di supporto dell'utensile: Afrikaans, Albanese, Amarico, Arabo, Armeno, Azero, Basco, Bengalese, Bielorusso, Birmano, Bosniaco, Bulgaro, Catalano, Cebuano, Ceco, Chichewa, Cinese, Cinese tradizionale, Coreano, Corso, Creolo haitiano, Croato, Curdo (kurmanji), Danese, Ebraico, Esperanto, Estone, Filippino, Finlandese, Francese, Frisone, Gaelico scozzese, Galiziano, Gallese, Georgiano, Giapponese, Giavanese, Greco, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaiano, Hindi, Hmong, Igbo, Inglese, Irlandese, Islandese, Italiano, Kannada, Kazako, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiso, Klingon, Lao, Latino, Lettone, Lituano, Lussemburghese, Macedone, Malayalam, Malese, Malgascio, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolo, Nepalese, Norvegese, Odia (oriya), Olandese, Pashto, Persiano, Polacco, Portoghese, Punjabi, Rileva lingua, Rumeno, Russo, Samoano, Serbo, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Singalese, Slovacco, Sloveno, Somalo, Spagnolo, Sundanese, Svedese, Swahili, Tagiko, Tailandese, Tamil, Tataro, Tedesco, Telugu, Turco, Turkmeno, Ucraino, Uiguro, Ungherese, Urdu, Uzbeco, Vietnamita, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, indonesiano, lingua di traduzione.

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