Sulle pendici del monte Falterona si trova una sorgente considerata l’origine del fiume Arno. Raggiungibile attraverso un bellissimo sentiero all’interno del Parco Nazionale, è segnalata da una lapide riportante i celebri versi
On the slopes of monte Falterona is a source considered the source of the River Arno. Reached via a beautiful trail within the National Park, is marked by a plaque bearing the famous verses
On the slopes of Mount Falterona is a source considered the origin of the river Arno. Reached via a beautiful trail in the National Park, it is marked by a plaque bearing the famous lines
On the slopes of Monte Falterona is a source given the origin of the river Arno. Accessible through a beautiful pathway inside the National Park, is marked by a plaque showing the famous verses