Dal 1800 sino a oggi si è sviluppato un importante corpo normativo com traduzione - Dal 1800 sino a oggi si è sviluppato un importante corpo normativo com Inglese come dire

Dal 1800 sino a oggi si è sviluppat

Dal 1800 sino a oggi si è sviluppato un importante corpo normativo composto sia da norme consuetudinarie che pattizie. La norma consuetudinaria più importante è la clausola Martens secondo la quale, in mancanza di una disciplina specifica, le popolazioni e i belligeranti restano comunque sotto la salvaguardia dei principi del diritto delle genti, delle leggi dell'umanità e delle esigenze della coscienza pubblica. I trattati più importanti sono le convenzioni dell'Aja del 1899 e del 1907 relative alla condotta delle ostilità e al diritto di neutralità, ancora in vigore, le quattro convenzioni di Ginevra del 1949 relative alla protezione delle vittime dei conflitti armati internazionali (feriti e malati delle forze armate in campagna, feriti, malati e naufraghi delle forze armate sul mare, prigionieri di guerra, popolazione civile caduta nelle mani del nemico) e i due Protocolli alle quattro convenzioni di Ginevra del 1977, il primo relativo ai conflitti armati internazionali, il secondo ai conflitti armati non internazionali. Il DICA è di solito distinto in due corpi normativi: le regole relative ai mezzi e metodi di guerra e cioè alle armi e alle tattiche militari (il diritto bellico in senso proprio) e le regole relative alle categorie protette (il diritto internazionale umanitario in senso proprio). Tale distinzione, tuttavia, ha perso di importanza data la prevalenza attribuita col tempo agli aspetti umanitari.
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
From 1800 until today has developed an important legislative body composed of customary rules that both conventions. The most important is the customary term Martens whereby, in the absence of a specific discipline, populations and belligerents remain under the protection of the principles of the law of Nations, the laws of humanity and the demands of public consciousness. The most important are the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 concerning the conduct of hostilities and neutrality law, still in effect, the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (wounded and sick in armed forces in the country, wounded, sick and shipwrecked armed forces at sea, prisoners of war, civilian population fall into the hands of the enemy) and the two protocols to the four Geneva Conventions of 1977, the first relating to international armed conflicts, the second non-international armed conflicts. The SAYING is usually divided into two regulatory bodies: the rules relating to the means and methods of warfare, i.e. to arms and military tactics (the laws of war in the proper sense) and rules relating to protected categories (international humanitarian law in the proper sense). This distinction, however, lost of importance given the prevalence over time given humanitarian aspects.
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
From 1800 until today has developed an important regulatory body composed of both customary rules that pactional. The customary rule more important is the Martens clause according to which, in the absence of a specific discipline, populations and belligerents remain under the protection of the principles of international law, the laws of humanity and the dictates of public conscience. The most important treaties are the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 relating to the conduct of hostilities and the law of neutrality, still in force, the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (wounded and sick armed forces in the country, wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces of the sea, prisoners of war, civilians fall into the hands of the enemy), and the two Protocols to the four Geneva Conventions of 1977, the first relating to international armed conflicts, the second non-international armed conflicts. The DICA is usually divided into two regulatory bodies: the rules relating to the means and methods of warfare that is, to weapons and military tactics (the law of war in the proper sense) and the rules relating to protected categories (international humanitarian law in the sense own). This distinction, however, has lost its importance given the prevalence over time attributed to the humanitarian aspects.
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
From 1800 until today it has developed an important regulatory body composed of both customary rules and conventions. The customary rule more important and the Martens clause according to which, in the absence of a specific discipline, populations, and the warring parties are still under the safeguard of the principles of the law of the nations,The laws of humanity and of the needs of the public conscience. The most important treaties are the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 concerning the conduct of hostilities and to the right of neutrality, which is still in force, the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 concerning the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (injured and sick of the armed forces in the countryside,Wounded, sick and shipwrecked members of armed forces on the sea, prisoners of war, civilian population fall into the hands of the enemy) and the two Protocols to the four Geneva Conventions of 1977, the first relating to international armed conflicts, the second to non-international armed conflicts. The TELL is usually divided into two legislative bodies:The rules relating to means and methods of warfare, i.e. , weapons and tactics (the law of war in the proper sense) and the rules of protected categories (the international humanitarian law in the strict sense). This distinction, however, has lost its importance given the prevalence attributed over time to the humanitarian aspects.
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Altre lingue
La definizione di supporto dell'utensile: Afrikaans, Albanese, Amarico, Arabo, Armeno, Azero, Basco, Bengalese, Bielorusso, Birmano, Bosniaco, Bulgaro, Catalano, Cebuano, Ceco, Chichewa, Cinese, Cinese tradizionale, Coreano, Corso, Creolo haitiano, Croato, Curdo (kurmanji), Danese, Ebraico, Esperanto, Estone, Filippino, Finlandese, Francese, Frisone, Gaelico scozzese, Galiziano, Gallese, Georgiano, Giapponese, Giavanese, Greco, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaiano, Hindi, Hmong, Igbo, Inglese, Irlandese, Islandese, Italiano, Kannada, Kazako, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiso, Klingon, Lao, Latino, Lettone, Lituano, Lussemburghese, Macedone, Malayalam, Malese, Malgascio, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolo, Nepalese, Norvegese, Odia (oriya), Olandese, Pashto, Persiano, Polacco, Portoghese, Punjabi, Rileva lingua, Rumeno, Russo, Samoano, Serbo, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Singalese, Slovacco, Sloveno, Somalo, Spagnolo, Sundanese, Svedese, Swahili, Tagiko, Tailandese, Tamil, Tataro, Tedesco, Telugu, Turco, Turkmeno, Ucraino, Uiguro, Ungherese, Urdu, Uzbeco, Vietnamita, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, indonesiano, lingua di traduzione.

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