Ultima manutenzione al generatore effettuata in data 04/06/2015 come riportato sul libretto di impianto . Si precisa che la non corretta e regolare manutenzione al generatore comporta la decadenza della validità del presente attestato
Last maintenance to generator made in 6/4/2015 date as indicated on the installation booklet. Please note that incorrect and regular maintenance to the generator causes the forfeiture of the validity of this certificate
Last service at the generator made on 06.04.2015 as reported on the plant handbook. Please note that the incorrect and regular maintenance to the generator voids the validity of this certificate
Last service to the generator carried out on 04 /06/2015 as reported on the book of plant . It should be noted that the incorrect and regular maintenance of the generator entails the cancellation of the validity of the present certificate