in espressa deroga a quanto previsto dagli articoli 1592 e 1593 cod. civ., che SINA potrà chiedere la riduzione in pristino, a spese della conduttrice, o ritenere le opere realizzate, senza corrispondere alcun rimborso o indennità alla conduttrice.
in express derogation from articles 1592 and 1593Cod. Civ., SINA will get pristine reduction at the expense ofPresenter, or feel the works without any matchreimbursement or indemnity to the presenter.
expressly derogates from the provisions of Articles 1592 and 1593 cod. Civ., that SINA will request a reduction in pristine, at the expense of the host, or believe the works, without paying any refund or compensation to the host.
Expressed in derogation of the provisions of Articles 1592 and 1593 no. civ., that SINA will be able to request the reduction in restoration, at the expense of conductive, or believing his works, without paying any reimbursement or allowance to conductive.