Esse dimostrano prestazioni superiori rispetto alle batterie attualmente in uso, in quanto possiedono un’autonomia maggiore delle 72 ore convenzionali. Altri tipi di fuel cell (a carbonati fusi, ad ossidi solidi) possono erogare potenze anche maggiori, per essere adoperate anche nella propulsione di mezzi militari aerei, marittimi, terrestri, o semplicemente alimentarne i servizi ausiliari. Inoltre, come noto, i motori a combustione interna sono molto rumorosi e non possono essere impiegati in quegli ambiti particolari ove la silenziosità gioca un ruolo fondamentale. Questo è il caso delle cosiddette operazioni “silent watch”, dove da tempo si sfruttano le tecnologie delle celle a combustibile, in quanto non emettono alcun tipo di rumore e vibrazione.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
They demonstrate superior performance compared to the batteries currently in use, as they have greater autonomy conventional 72 hours. other types of fuel cells (molten carbonate, solid oxide) can deliver power even more, to be adoperate also in the propulsion of military air, sea, land, or simply nourish the auxiliary services.Furthermore, as is known, the internal combustion engines are very noisy and can not be used in those particular areas where the noise plays a fundamental role. this is the case of so-called operations "silent watch", where from time exploiting the technology of fuel cells, as it does not emit any kind of noise and vibration.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
They demonstrate superior performance than the batteries currently in use, as they possess a greater autonomy of the 72 hours. Other types of fuel cell (molten carbonate, solid oxide) can deliver even greater powers, to be used in the propulsion of aircraft military transport, maritime, terrestrial, or simply feed auxiliary services. Also, as noted, the internal combustion engines are very noisy and may not be used in those particular areas where the staff plays a key role. This is the case of the so-called "silent watch", where from time you take advantage of fuel cell technologies, as it does not emit any kind of noise and vibration.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
They demonstrate superior performance compared to batteries currently in use, as they have a greater range of 72 hours conventional. Other types of fuel cell (a molten carbonate, solid oxide) can deliver powers even higher, to be also used in the propulsion of military means air, sea, land, or simply nourish their ancillary services.Furthermore, as is known, the internal combustion engines are very noisy and may not be used in those specific fields where the silence plays a fundamental role. This is the case of the so-called "silent watch", where time takes advantage of the fuel cell technologies, as it does not emit any kind of noise and vibration.
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