buongiorno,per quanto riguarda la merce pronta per il carico immediato traduzione - buongiorno,per quanto riguarda la merce pronta per il carico immediato Inglese come dire

buongiorno,per quanto riguarda la m

per quanto riguarda la merce pronta per il carico immediato, al momento disponiamo di :
- 1100 m3 di tronchi a Tala Tala (frontiera con il Congo) essenze: afromosia, sipo, sapelli, padouck, tali, acajou
- 350 m3 di tronchi a Obala (Yaoundé) essenze : Tali

Però, come spiegavo ieri al suo gentilissimo collega Samuel, possiamo garantire un lavoro regolare e continuativo per i seguenti volumi :
- circa 1000 m3/mese di essenze diverse in tronco dal Nord Congo
- circa 1000 m3/mese di legni duri in maggioranza tra Obala, Yokadouma e Bertoua
- circa 800 m3/mese di essenze varie in tronco nella regione litorale del cameroun (Pouma, Edea, Kribi)

Inoltre nei prossimi mesi, se le condizioni lo permetteranno, dovremmo riprendere a lavorare nella nostra concessione forestale in RCA, dove produciamo mediamente tra i 1200 e 1500 m3 /mese di tronchi di varie essenze.

Vance Bagarella
Da: -
A: -
Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
regarding the goods ready for immediate load, at the moment we offer:
-1100 m3 of logs to Tala Tala (border with Congo): afromosia wood, sapelli, sipo, acajou, padouck, such
-350 m3 of logs to Obala (Yaoundé) essences: Such

though, as explained yesterday to his friendly colleague Samuel, We guarantee a regular and continuous work for the following volumes:
-about 1000 m3/month of different essences trunk from Northern Congo
-about 1000 m3/month of mostly hardwoods between Obala, Yokadouma and Bertoua
-about 800 m3/month of various essences in the trunk in the Cameroon littoral region (Pouma, Edea, Kribi)

Also in the coming months, if conditions permit, We should continue to work in our forest concession in RCA, where we produce on average between 1200 and 1500 m3/mese of logs of various essences.

Vance Bagarella
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
regarding the goods ready for immediate loading, at the time we have:
- 1100 m3 of logs in Tala Tala (border with Congo) species: afromosia, Sipo, Sapelli, padouck, such mahogany
- 350 m3 of logs in Littoral (Douala) species: These But, as I explained yesterday at his friendly colleague Samuel, we can ensure a regular and continuous employment for the following volumes: - 1000 m3/monthly of different essences in the trunk from Northern Congo - about 1000 m3 / month of hardwoods in majority of Littoral, Yokadouma and Bertoua - 800 m3/monthly of various woods in the trunk in the coastal region of cameroun (Pouma, Edea, Kribi) Over the next few months, if conditions permit, we should return to work in our forestry concession in the RCA, where we produce on average between 1200 and 1500 m3 / month of logs of various woods. Sincerely Vance Bagarella

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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
as regards the goods ready for immediate loading, at the moment we have :
- 1100 m3 of logs to Tala Tala (border with Congo) essences: Afromosia wood, sipo, sapelli, your handbag if, such, acajou
- 350 m3 of logs to Obala (Yaounde) essences : These

However, as explaining yesterday to your friendly colleague Samuel,We cannot guarantee a regular work and continued for the following volumes :
- about 1000 m3/month of different essences in the trunk from Northern Congo
- about 1000 m3/month of hardwoods in majority between Littoral, Yokadouma, Bertoua
- approximately 800 m3/month of various essences in the trunk in coastal region of Cameroon (Pouma, Edea, Kribi)

also in the coming months, if the conditions allow,We should return to work in our concession forestry in RCA, where we produce on average between 1200 and 1500 m3 /month of trunks of various essences.
cordially greet

Vance Bagarella
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