Senza rendercene conto, le opere di estrazione, combustione e tutti i processi relativi alle fonti fossili stanno producendo enormi danni, sia a breve che a lungo termine, tali che, in futuro, sarà impossibile contenerli e arginarli.
without realizing it, the works of extraction, combustion and all processes related to fossil fuels are producing massive damage, both short and long term, such that, in the future, it will be impossible to contain and contain such problems.
Without realizing it, the extraction works, combustion and all processes related to fossil fuels are producing massive damage, both short-term and long-term, such that, in the future, it will be impossible to contain and control them.
Without realising it, the works of extraction, combustion and all processes relating to the fossil fuels are producing enormous damage, both short and long-term, such that, in future, it will be impossible to contain them and escalate.