Essi non sono nient’altro che dei veri e propri motori innestati all’interno di ogni singola ruota. Quindi anziché un unico grande motore termico, posto sotto il cofano, si hanno quattro piccoli sistemi elettrici, uno per ogni pneumatico (fig. 26).
they are nothing more than some real geared motors inside each wheel. then instead of a single large heat engine, placed under the hood, you have four small electrical systems, one for each tire (fig. 26).
They are nothing more than genuine grafted engines inside each wheel. So instead of a single large heat engine under the hood, you have four small electrical systems, one for each tyre (fig. 26).
They are not nothing else that real engines grafted within each individual wheel. Then instead of a single large heat engine, located under the hood, you have four small electrical systems, one for each tire (figure 26).