11. Realizzazione muretti di rifinitura della rampa di accesso al piano interrato, compreso ogni onere per fondazione, ferri, getto e ammorsatura al muretto esistente, necessario per rifinire i muretti nella parte terminale degli stessi.
Totale MURETTI RAMPA = Lump sum = €. __________
12. Realizzazione di copertina in pietra, riprese alla muratura e quanto altro per il muretto delle scale ed i muretti delle rampe di accesso al piano interrato, compreso ogni onere relativo. (Con pietra esistente in loco).
Muretto scale = lm. 12,00
Muretto rampe = lm. 14,25 x 2 = ml. 28,50
Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
11. Implementation walls finishing the access ramp to the basement, including all costs for the foundation, irons, jet and scarfing the existing wall, needed to finish the walls in the terminal value.
Total MURETTI RAMP = Lump sum = €. __________ 12. Realization of the cover stone, shooting to the wall and everything else for the wall of the stairs and the walls of the access ramps to the basement, including any related charges. (With stone existing on-site). Muretto scale = lm. 12,00 Muretto ramps = lm. X 2 = 14.25 ml. 28.50 Total COVERS STONE
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
11. Construction of the walls of the finishing of the ramp leading to the basement, including any burden for the foundation, Ferri, jet and clamping to the existing wall, necessary to refine the walls in the terminal part of the same.
Total rail walls = Lump sum = €. __________
12. The embodiment of the cover in stone,Shooting to the masonry and anything else for the wall of the stairs and the walls of the access ramps in the basement, including any relative burden. (with existing stone on the spot).
Muretto scale = lm. 12,00
Muretto ramps = lm. 14.25 x 2 = ml. 28.50
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