Realizzazione di ripristino della viabilità sulla strada comunale per l’accesso ai garage, realizzata mediante gettata in calcestruzzo di cemento del tipo Calcestruzzo architettonico/disattivato, per platea di fondazione armata della strada, con cemento della classe Rck 300 dato in opera, per uno spessore di cm. 12-15. Si realizzerà il cosiddetto calcestruzzo architettonico, ovvero calcestruzzo disattivato, di colore chiaro, con ghiaia a vista.
Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
Realisation of restoration of viability on the municipal road for access to the garage, realized by means of cast in concrete of the type Architectural concrete / deactivated, for foundation slab armed of the road, with cement of class Rck 300 given in work, for a thickness cm. 12-15. It will implement the so-called architectural concrete, concrete or off, light-colored, with gravel in sight.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
Realization of restoration of viability on the municipal road for access to the garage, realized by means of concrete cast of cement of type architectural concrete/disabled, for audience of armed foundation of the road with cement of class Rck 300 given in opera, for a thickness of cm. 12-15. You will realize the so-called architectural concrete,Or concrete off, of clear color, with gravel to view.
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