che pertanto l'eredità si devolve per 1/2 (un mezzo) al genitore signora Valentinuzzi e per la quota di 1/4 (un quarto) a ciascun germano signori Rosignoli Roberto e Rosignoli Liliana.
Whereas, therefore, the inheritance shall devolve for 1/2 (half) the parent Lady V and 1/4 share (a quarter) to each German Lords Rosignoli Roberto and Rosignoli Liliana.
therefore the inheritance is devolved to 1/2 (half) the parent lady Valentinuzzi and for the share of 1/4 (quarter) in each German lords Rosignoli Rosignoli Roberto and Liliana.
That therefore the inheritance is confer on for 1/2 (one half) to the parent madam Valentinuzzi and for the share of 1/4 (a quarter) to each germano gentlemen Rosignoli Roberto and Rosignoli Liliana.