ai sensi e per gli effetti dell'art. 13 e seguenti D.Lgs.196/2003, delle finalità del trattamento dei dati in mio possesso, delle modalità del loro trattamento, della loro comunicazione e diffusione, dei diritti dell'interessato
to the senses and for the effects of art. and following 13 d. Lgs. 196/2003, the purpose of the processing of data in my possession, how their treatment, their communication and dissemination, rights of the data subject
Pursuant to art. 13 and following D.Lgs.196 / 2003, the purposes of the processing of data in my possession, the manner of their treatment, their communication and dissemination of the rights of
For the purposes of the article. 13 And following Legislative Decree 196/2003, of the purpose of the treatment of the data in my possession, the modes of their treatment, their communication and dissemination, the rights of the individual concerned