CONFERISCE PROCURA SPECIALEProcura Speciale e Nomina di Difensore di F traduzione - CONFERISCE PROCURA SPECIALEProcura Speciale e Nomina di Difensore di F Inglese come dire


Procura Speciale e Nomina di Difensore di Fiducia ex art. 83 C.p.c.

Il sottoscritto ALUNNI VALERIO, nato il 14.07.1959 a Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (Pg) o e residente in Città di Castello, Via dell’Emigrante, n.2 (C.F. LNNVLR59L14F629C),
Nomina e costituisce proprio procuratore speciale e difensore di fiducia
l’Avv. Lucio Massimo Zanelli del Foro di Arezzo, con Studio in Sansepolcro (AR), Via San Giuseppe no. 40, al quale conferisce ogni facoltà di legge compresa quella di predisporre ricorso per ingiunzione di pagamento nei confronti della Società Woodmusic Srl innanzi al Tribunale di Perugia, Sezione Lavoro, nella eventuale fase a cognizione ordinaria a seguito di opposizione a D.I., nella fase di esecuzione mobiliare o immobiliare, nella eventuale fase di opposizione all’esecuzione o agli atti esecutivi, nell’eventuale fase di gravame e a seguito di appello con facoltà di presentare istanze e memorie, depositare atti e documenti, presenziare alle udienze, nominare domiciliatari e sostituti processuali, chiamare in causa terzi, presentare domanda riconvenzionale, transigere, rinunciare agli atti del giudizio ed ogni altra facoltà connessa al mandato in conformità alle disposizioni del vigente codice di procedura civile.
Avuto conoscenza dei diritti ed informazioni di cui al D. Lgs. 196/03 (Legge Delega n°127/01 sulla Protezione dei dati personali ) si consente il trattamento dei dati personali e dei dati sensibili al fine dello svolgimento della presente pratica.
Eleggo domicilio presso il di lui studio in Sansepolcro, Via San Giuseppe no. 40.
Con osservanza.
Sansepolcro, lì 11.IV.2014
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A: -
Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
GIVES AUTHORIZATIONAuthorization and appointment of trusted Defender ex art. C.p.c 83.The undersigned STUDENTS VALERIO, born on 14.07.1959 in Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (Pg) or resident in Città di Castello, Via emigrant, n. 2 (see LNNVLR59L14F629C),Appoints and constitutes its Special Prosecutor and defender of trustthe lawyer. Lucio Zafton of Arezzo, with Studio in Sansepolcro (AR), Via San Giuseppe no. 40, which gives every faculty of law including that of preparing action for payment against the company Woodmusic Srl before the Tribunale di Perugia, section work, in any ordinary cognition phase as a result of opposition to D.I., in run time security or property, in the potential opposition to the execution phase or executive acts, in any stage of appeal after appeal and with faculty to present instances and memories, filing documents and documents, attend hearings, include procedural substitutes and nominate, call on third parties, submit a counterclaim, compromise, waive to acts of judgment and any other right related to the mandate in accordance with the existing code of civil procedure.Had knowledge of rights and information referred to in Legislative Decree No. 196/03 (law Delega n° 127/01 on the protection of personal data) you allow the processing of personal data and sensitive data for the purpose of carrying out this practice.Eleggo residence at his studio in Sansepolcro, Via San Giuseppe no. 40.With compliance.Sansepolcro, there 11. IV. 2014
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
Special Prosecutor and Appointment of Defender of Trust art. 83 Cpc the undersigned PUPILS VALERIO, born on 07/14/1959 in Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (Pg) oe resident in Citta di Castello, Via Emigrant, n.2 (CF LNNVLR59L14F629C), Appointment and constitutes their special prosecutor and defender of trust the lawyer. Lucio Massimo Zanelli the Court of Arezzo, with Studio in Sansepolcro (AR), Via San Giuseppe not. 40, which gives every law school including that of preparing application for an order for payment to the Company Woodmusic Srl before the Court of Perugia, Employment Division, in any phase in ordinary cognition as a result of opposition to DI, in the run- or real estate, in any phase of opposition to the execution or implementing acts, in the eventual phase of appeal and further appeal with the right to petition and memories, deposit records and documents, attend hearings, appoint substitutes domiciliary and procedural, summon third, present counterclaim, to compromise, to discontinue the proceedings of the trial and all other faculties related to the mandate in accordance with the provisions of the current Code of Civil Procedure. Had knowledge of rights and information pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/03 (Enabling Act n ° 127/01 on the protection of personal data) will allow the processing of personal data and sensitive data for the performance of this practice. I elect domicile at his studio in Sansepolcro, Via San Giuseppe not. 40. With best regards. Sansepolcro, there 11.IV.2014

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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
Special Prosecutor and the appointment of defender of Trust former art. 83 C. bw

The undersigned STUDENTS VALERIO, born on 07.14.1959 in Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (Pg) or are a resident of Città di Castello, Track of the Emigrant, no. 2 (C. F. LNNVLR59L14F629C) ,
Appointment and constitutes its own special prosecutor and defender of trust
Daffarra. Lucio Maximum Zanelli of Hole of Arezzo,With Studio in Sansepolcro (AR), Via San Giuseppe no. 40, Which gives every faculty of law including that of providing application for an order for payment in respect of the Company Woodmusic Srl in the Court of Perugia, Job section, in the eventual phase a ordinary cognition following opposition to D. I. , in the execution phase or immoveable property,In the possible phase of opposition to the execution or the implementing acts, in the optional step of appeal and following of appeal with the faculty to submit instances and memories, depositing documents, attend hearings, appoint at and procedural substitutes, call into question third, submit counterclaim, compromise,Give up the acts of the trial and every other faculty connected to the office in accordance with the provisions of the current code of civil procedure.
had knowledge of the rights and information referred to in D. Legislative Decree 196/03 (Law Decree no. 127/01 on the Protection of personal data ) allows the processing of personal data and sensitive data in order for the conduct of the present practice.
I elect domicile him studio in Sansepolcro, Via San Giuseppe no. 40.
With observance.
Sansepolcro, li 11.IV.2014
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Altre lingue
La definizione di supporto dell'utensile: Afrikaans, Albanese, Amarico, Arabo, Armeno, Azero, Basco, Bengalese, Bielorusso, Birmano, Bosniaco, Bulgaro, Catalano, Cebuano, Ceco, Chichewa, Cinese, Cinese tradizionale, Coreano, Corso, Creolo haitiano, Croato, Curdo (kurmanji), Danese, Ebraico, Esperanto, Estone, Filippino, Finlandese, Francese, Frisone, Gaelico scozzese, Galiziano, Gallese, Georgiano, Giapponese, Giavanese, Greco, Gujarati, Hausa, Hawaiano, Hindi, Hmong, Igbo, Inglese, Irlandese, Islandese, Italiano, Kannada, Kazako, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirghiso, Klingon, Lao, Latino, Lettone, Lituano, Lussemburghese, Macedone, Malayalam, Malese, Malgascio, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolo, Nepalese, Norvegese, Odia (oriya), Olandese, Pashto, Persiano, Polacco, Portoghese, Punjabi, Rileva lingua, Rumeno, Russo, Samoano, Serbo, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Singalese, Slovacco, Sloveno, Somalo, Spagnolo, Sundanese, Svedese, Swahili, Tagiko, Tailandese, Tamil, Tataro, Tedesco, Telugu, Turco, Turkmeno, Ucraino, Uiguro, Ungherese, Urdu, Uzbeco, Vietnamita, Xhosa, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zulu, indonesiano, lingua di traduzione.

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