La fornitura di idrogeno può avvenire secondo due modalità principali: l’autotrasporto e gli idrogenodotti. Una prima applicazione si può riscontrare nel distretto della Ruhr, in Germania, dove dal 1938 l’idrogeno viene distribuito tramite un sistema di grosse tubature in acciaio, che finora non hanno mai presentato alcun tipo di problema. Tale sistema non si dissocia molto dalle attuali reti per il gas naturale se non per le tipologie di acciai che si possono adoperare nella costruzione delle tubature (pipeline). Infatti per motivi di compatibilità con l’idrogeno, vengono principalmente utilizzati quelli al cromo ed al molibdeno. La diffusione invece liquida di questo elemento è riservata ad applicazioni di interesse militare, visti costi elevati. Per quanto riguarda il trasporto su strada si può optare per un trasporto di idrogeno massimo di 4200 m3 in particolari cisterne, ad una pressione di 20 MPa. Lo si può anche trasportare in forma liquida, aumentando quindi la quantità trasportabile, a scapito di un inevitabile aumento dei prezzi. La soluzione migliore che si prospetta è quella di adoperare gli idruri metallici, ancora in fase di studio e sperimentazione, che possono garantire maggiore stabilità e sicurezza.
Risultati (
Inglese) 1:
the supply of hydrogen can occur in two main modes: road transport and hydrogen pipelines. a first application can be found in the Ruhr district in Germany, where since 1938 the hydrogen is distributed via a large steel pipe, which so far have never submitted any kind of problem.this system does not dissociate very much on the existing networks for natural gas than for the types of steel that one can use in the construction of pipelines (pipeline). In fact, for reasons of compatibility with hydrogen, are mainly used as chromium and molybdenum. spreading liquid instead of this element is reserved for military applications of interest,having high costs. with regard to the road transport one can opt for a hydrogen transport maximum of 4200 m3 in particular tanks, at a pressure of 20 MPa. It can also be transported in liquid form, thereby increasing the amount transportable, at the expense of an inevitable increase in prices.the best solution that is at stake is that of using metal hydrides, still in the process of study and experimentation, which can ensure greater stability and security.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 2:
The supply of hydrogen can occur in two main modes: auto transport and hydrogen. A first application you can find in the Ruhr district, in Germany, where since 1938 hydrogen is distributed through a system of large steel pipes, which so far have never presented any kind of problem. This system is not the current ionizes the gas networks if not for the different types of steel that can be used in the construction of pipelines (pipeline). For compatibility reasons with hydrogen, are mainly used as molybdenum and chromium. The spread liquid instead of this element is reserved for military interest, applications due to high costs. As regards road transport you can opt for a hydrogen transportation up to 4200 m3 in special tanks, at a pressure of 20 MPa. It can also be transported in liquid form, increasing the amount to transport, to the detriment of an inevitable rise in prices. The best solution is to use metal hydrides, still under study and experimentation, which can ensure stability and safety.
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Risultati (
Inglese) 3:
The supply of hydrogen can occur in two main ways: the road haulage and the idrogenodotti. A first application it can be found in the district of the Ruhr, in Germany, where since 1938 the hydrogen is distributed through a system of large steel tubing, which so far have never submitted any type of problem.This system does not dissociate very from the current networks for the natural gas if not for the types of steels that you can use in the construction of pipelines (pipeline). In fact, for reasons of compatibility with the hydrogen, are mainly used those to chromium and molybdenum. Spread the liquid instead of this element is reserved for applications of military interest,Visas high costs. As regards road transport you can opt for a hydrogen transport maximum of 4200 m3 in particular tanks at a pressure of 20 MPa. You can also carry in liquid form, thereby increasing the amount transportable, at the expense of an inevitable increase in prices.The best solution that promises is to use the metal hydrides, still in phase of study and experimentation, which can ensure greater stability and security.
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