Ogni ruota sarebbe in grado di applicare sul suolo 800 Nm di coppia derivanti da una potenza di 81 kW (circa 110 cavalli), a fronte di un peso di solo 31 kg per unità motore. Il tutto senza intaccare la geometria e la grandezza delle ruote stesse.
each wheel would be able to apply on the soil 800 nm of torque arising from a power of 81 kw (about 110 horsepower), compared to a weight of only 31 kg per unit engine. all without affecting the geometry and size of the wheels.
Each wheel would be able to apply on the ground 800 Nm of torque from an output of 81 kW (110 HP), with a weight of only 31 kg drive motor. All without affecting the geometry and size of the wheels.
Each wheel would be able to apply on the ground 800 Nm of torque resulting from a power of 81 kW (about 110 horses), and a weight of only 31 kg for motor unit. All without damaging the geometry and the size of the wheels.