In due capitelli della navata sinistra si ricorda il nome del committe traduzione - In due capitelli della navata sinistra si ricorda il nome del committe Inglese come dire

In due capitelli della navata sinis

In due capitelli della navata sinistra si ricorda il nome del committente, il pievano Alberico, e la data del 1152 con la precisazione “tempore famis” (in tempo di carestia). A destra dell’edificio è il battistero, coperto con volta a crociera costolonata e riferibile al periodo tardo romanico. (per visite 0575/582060)
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
In two capitals of the left aisle remembers the name of the principal, the parish priest Aaron, and the date 1152 with clarification "famis tempore" (famine). To the right of the building is the baptistery, covered with ribbed vaults and refers to the late Romanesque period. (to visit 0575/582060)
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
In two capitals of the left aisle you remember the name of the buyer, the parish priest Alberico, and the date of 1152 with the clarification "famis tempore" (in times of famine). To the right of the building is the baptistery, covered with groin vault and attributable to the late Romanesque. (For visits 0575/582060)
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
In two capitals of the left nave remembers the name of the employer, the pievano Alberico, and the date of the 1152 with the word "tempore famis" (in time of famine). To the right of the building, and the baptistery, covered with cross vaults with ribs and attributable to the late Roman period. (For visits 0575/582060)
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