caro Michiel oramai sono vicino ai 60 anni e non vedo anch'io l'ora di traduzione - caro Michiel oramai sono vicino ai 60 anni e non vedo anch'io l'ora di Inglese come dire

caro Michiel oramai sono vicino ai

caro Michiel oramai sono vicino ai 60 anni e non vedo anch'io l'ora di andare in pensione. Purtroppo però mi mancano ancora cinque anni. Attualmente vivo ad Olbia in Sardegna e gestisco alcune case di riposo. Sono però molto stanco e cerco di lavorare poco e di stare di più con la mia figlia piccola di sei anni. La Sardegna è una buona soluzione per le vacanze. Nel nord Sardegna ti posso consigliare le zone di Alghero ( in provincia di Sassari )oppure di Porto Cervo o San Teodoro. I mesi migliori sono giugno e settembre perché in luglio ed agosto è pieno di turisti. Nel sud della Sardegna una buona soluzione è Pula ( vicino a Cagliari ) dove ci sono ottimi centri vacanze. Se ti serve altro me lo dici e ti faccio sapere. Purtroppo non sono più allenato per le lingue e mi servo di un traduttore del computer. Tantissimi auguri di Buon Natale e Buone Feste anche a te e Famiglia. Un abbraccio. Gianfranco
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Risultati (Inglese) 1: [Copia]
Dear Michiel are now close to 60 years and I don't see myself the time to retire. Unfortunately I'm still five years old. I currently live in Olbia in Sardinia and manage some nursing homes. I am however very tired and I try to work a little and to be more with my daughter of six years. Sardinia is a good solution for holidays. In Northern Sardinia I can recommend areas of Alghero (Sassari) or Porto Cervo and San Teodoro. The best months are June and September because in July and August is full of tourists. In the South of Sardinia, a good solution is Pula (near Cagliari) where there are great holiday centres. If you need anything else you mention it and let you know. Unfortunately they are no longer trained in languages and I use a computer translator. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family. A hug. Gianfranco
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Risultati (Inglese) 2:[Copia]
Michiel dear are now close to 60 years and I do not see myself time to retire. Unfortunately, I am still missing five years. I currently live in Olbia in Sardinia and I manage some nursing homes. But I am very tired and I try to work a little and spend more time with my little daughter of six years. Sardinia is a good solution for the holidays. In northern Sardinia I can recommend areas of Alghero (Province of Sassari) or Porto Cervo and San Teodoro. The best months are June and September because in July and August is full of tourists. In the south of Sardinia, a good solution is Pula (near Cagliari) where there are great resorts. If you need more I mention it and let you know. Unfortunately no longer I trained in languages ​​and I use a computer translator. Many wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and family. A hug. Gianfranco
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Risultati (Inglese) 3:[Copia]
Dear Michiel are now close to 60 years and I do not see myself time to retire. Unfortunately I still lack five years. Currently living in Olbia in Sardinia and manage some rest homes. However are very tired and i try to work a little and stay more with my little daughter of six years. Sardinia is a good solution for the holidays.In the north of Sardinia you can recommend the areas of Alghero ( in the province of Sassari )or Porto Cervo or San Teodoro. The best months are June and September because in july and august is full of tourists. In the south of Sardinia a good solution is Pula ( near Cagliari ) where there are excellent holiday centers. If you need other me tell him and let you know.Unfortunately are not more trained for languages and i servant of a translator of the computer. Many Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to you and family. A hug. Gianfranco
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